The Seminars on Best Mechanism and Joint Academy for ISFs in the scope of the “Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project- Phase II” were made in Ankara on 25 February 2015. Local and international experts made presentations on the need for a joint academy for top future chiefs and how it can be designed. The needs assessment results and best mechanisms proposals on improving the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) were also discussed in the seminars.
Around 60 officials participated
The Seminars on Best Mechanism and Joint Academy for ISFs in the scope of the “Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project- Phase II” were made in Ankara on 25 February, Wednesday, with the participation of around 60 officials and experts from the relevant stakeholders.
Variety of topics were discussed
Presentations and discussions were made on various topics such as “Objectives of the seminar and concepts for a ‘joint academy’ and a ‘best mechanism’ for central coordination and common culture for ISFs”, “Existing structure of Turkish training system for top ISF chiefs, and needs for Turkey”, “The challenge of joint culture for ISFs in selected EU countries” and “The organization and staffing of the ‘joint advanced school for top ISFs chiefs’” in the seminar. Main needs of the MoI for oversight of the ISFs, needs analysis in Turkey, central organization for steering ISFs, central operational coordination, and MoI at provincial level were among the other topics discussed.
Many suggestions from the participants
Overall, the reactions from the audience have included suggestions such as making the joint Academy a training center also for civilian administrators. The teachers’ body shall include academics as well as civilian and ISF administrators with vast knowledge of the field. With regards to recommendations on improving the institutional capacity of the MoI, the audience has made some constructive contributions. The human rights watch responsibilities recommended to be given to the Inspection Board of the MoI is about to be realized since such a change is included in the legislative package which is being discussed in the parliament. Analyzing the functioning of the current KİHBİ system which brings members of the ISFs on operational grounds together could provide important clues on what is functioning well in terms of inter-organizational coordination.