Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project – Phase II Malatya Pilot Province Meeting
“Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project – Phase II” first Pilot Province Meeting has realized on 6th of March 2013 in Malatya.
Malatya Governor Mr. Vasip Şahin has delivered a speech in the meeting and highlights the importance of the project and also stresses civilian oversight concept on law enforcement bodies.
Head of Department of Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Provincial Administration Mr. Rahmi Doğan in his speech stated that “the project is funded by the European Union and its budget is 3.5 million Euros. The project which will be implemented for 24 months and aims to support Turkey’s membership to the European Union, to exercise fundamental rights and freedoms more efficiently, to guarantee the exercise of democratic rights and individual rights and freedoms by citizens and to ensure more efficiency in current supervisions and audits.”
In his presentation Prof. Dr. Sebastian Roche, CTA of the Project stated that “all beneficiaries of the project will have numerous benefits. Primarily, needs of citizens will undertaken systematically and realized. This project will elicit citizens’ trust towards internal security forces. Moreover, interaction activities between citizens and ISFs will promoted and ISFs own legal security will increased.”
Following the meeting, Dr. Sevcan Akıncı National Expert for Coordination of Pilots has made a presentation about “Structure, Function and Duties of Local Security Commissions”. Dr. Akıncı in her presentation stated that “LSCs will functionalize powers of Governors. These commissions are established as advisory bodies and suitable units in regulations.”
Dr. Akıncı illustrated that “LSCs are consist of representatives from public institutions (Governorates, District Governorates, Municipalities, respective public institutions), law enforcement bodies (Police, Gendarmerie, Coast Guard, Customs units and private security companies), civil society organizations (NGOs, media, academicians) and private sector (trade and industry chambers). LSC meeting will held under the leadership of Governors. Local security plans, will be implemented with signature of respective institutions after analyzing local security needs, data, security priorities, mechanisms that provide security, detailed actions plans.”
UNDP Democratic Governance Programme Manager Dr. Leyla Şen stated that “this project has huge importance during the process of EU membership”.
Over 150 guests right along with Malatya Deputy Governors Mr. Ahmet Sait Kurnaz, Mr. Abdullah Öztoprak, District Governors, Province and District officials of National Police and Gendarmerie, Governorates and respective institutions’ high level officials, academicians, NGO members and media representatives have participated to the Pilot Province Meeting.
Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project – Phase II Izmir Pilot Province Meeting
“Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project – Phase II” first Pilot Province Meeting has realized on 13th of March 2013 in İzmir.
Head of Department of Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Provincial Administration Mr. Rahmi Doğan has given information about first phase of the project and introduced planned activities in the second phase of the project.
Mr. Doğan stated that “the project aims to adjust internal security services of Turkey with the EU norms and standards.”
Mr. Doğan illustrated that “the project which will be implemented for 24 months and aims to support Turkey’s membership to the European Union, to exercise fundamental rights and freedoms more efficiently, to guarantee the exercise of democratic rights and individual rights and freedoms by citizens and to ensure more efficiency in current supervisions and audits.”
Mr. Doğan stated that “the project aims to establish perception unity among ISFs and civil society organizations on the concept of civilian oversight. Moreover, establishing legal framework for efficient civilian oversight in Turkey within the concept of project outputs and EU best practices. In addition, increasing Ministry of Interior’s institutional capacity for efficient oversight of ISFs is another objective of the project.”
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Roche, CTA of the Project gave information about 2nd phase of the project. Dr. Sevcan Akıncı National Expert for Coordination of Pilots has made a presentation about “Structure, Function and Duties of Local Security Commissions”.
Mr. Ardahan Totuk, Deputy Governor of İzmir, stated that “exercising fundamental rights and freedoms by citizens in a more convenient environment is very crucial.”
Over 122 guests right along with Deputy Governors, District Governors, Province and District officials of National Police and Gendarmerie, Governorates and respective institutions’ high level officials, academicians, NGO members and media representatives have participated to the Pilot Province Meeting.
“Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project – Phase II” first Pilot Province Meeting has realized on 29th of March 2013 Gaziantep.
Mr. Rahmi Doğan, Head of Department of Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Provincial Administration stated that “activities and studies will be conducted for adjusting internal security with the EU norms in 7 Pilot Provinces. In order to reach that level, necessity achievements will be displayed with collaboration with law enforcement bodies in local level”.
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Roche, CTA of the Project stated that law enforcement bodies of Turkey will be consulted in order to adjust system function with the EU standards. The Project will succeed with collaboration of law enforcement bodies. Prof. Dr. Roche indicated that “the objective is to achieve the EU standards.”
Furthermore, Dr. Sevcan Akıncı National Expert for Coordination of Pilots has made a presentation about “Structure, Function and Duties of Local Security Commissions”.
Mr. Mevlüt Kurban, Gaziantep Deputy Governor, District Governors, National Police and Gendarmerie Province and District Officials, respective institutions’ high level officials, academicians, NGO members and media representatives have participated to the Lessons Learnt Seminar.